Does the Value per Statistical Life Vary with Age or Baseline Health? Evidence from a compensating wage study in France
Herrera Daniel  1, *@  , Lise Rochaix@
1 : Université Paris-Dauphine  (Université Paris-Dauphine)  -  Website
Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX
Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny -  France
* : Corresponding author

This paper provides an empirical assessment of the effects of age and baseline health on the Value per Statistical life (VSL) by reporting the results of a compensating wage differential for occupational fatality risk in France. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that uses a population-based cohort combining respondents' full medical history elicited using face- to-face interviews with physicians and respondents' actual work history extracted from administrative records. Focusing on blue-collar men, aged between 20 to 59 years old, we find an average VSL estimate of 8 million euros. Our results support the hypothesis that VSL varies with age and baseline health: indeed VSL decreases with age and increases with baseline health.

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